Friday, July 23, 2010

Acne Products

Are your prone to acne?

No matter how old I get, I still seem to struggle with acne. After searching for hours on the computer, I finally found something that works! is a fabulous online store of products the guy created himself. Yep, this guy, Daniel Kern, is a ingenuous as he created a acne product line that really works.

The bottom line is the products work great on my skin!

I bought the Starter kit:

Starter Kit, 8 oz. bottles (1-2 months supply)
Price $34.02 

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Infertility Doesn't Go Away....

Terrible Infertility Questions:

"Why not think about adoption?"

"Think about all those foster kids without parents. Why not you?"

"Infertility isn't as bas as you make it. What is your problem?"

"Why can't you just get on with your life?"

Can we just go ahead and take a deep breath. Aren't you glad those questions didn't get asked to you today... or maybe they did. If so, a lesson learned to walk away. Be cordial, smile, shake your head in agreement and walk away.

Tips toward Conception

This post is all about tips I've learned along the way. If you are new to conception, maybe they can help you!!

Infertility Tips:
  • Eat lots of Veggies
  • Drinks lots of water with lemon(acts like a detoxer)
  • Eat Fish ( I hate the stuff so I can safely say I've never followed this tip)
  • Have nightly talks with hubby about your emotions (Highly Stress this one)
  • Have chocolate or favorite snack hidden away (For High Stress Moments)
  • Journal (Again, not one of my strong points. But I've heard it helps!)
  • Read about Something (Get your mind off of fertility)
  • Watch a favorite movie (I love Pride and Prejudice)
  • Get away from the day (I love to go to the beach)
  • Don't talk to people who bring you down!
  • Create a network of people who will keep you uplifted.
  • Did I mention no caffeine (forget about the chocolate) :)
  • Get decent sleep--yep that means before 12:00 a.m.

Ok, so my tips weren't all about your body. I think Infertility has much more to do with our minds and souls than just our bodies. Think of the emotions we endure throughout the month. We Need Stress Relievers!
Do that one thing that helps you. For me, it's turning on Classical music. It is my de-stresser. Find that de-stresser and use it often.


Just read that Cinnamon can really help us ladies dealing with infertility. Going to give it a try and start eating  a tsp. a day.

Will let you know how I do after eating cinnamon daily for a month or two. Bet I will be sweeter for sure!

Here is a great article on Cinnamon to read!

Emotions that don't end....

I sit here waiting... again! Why can't life treat us the way we want it? I know, life can be difficult, even worse, we aren't pregnant. Today has been a day of all days. The electricity went off, then my computer crashed... Then of course all those little things that followed, did indeed follow.

My thoughts are of the upcoming baby shower on Saturday. Will I make it without tears flowing? Probably, but I can't count on after the shower. I probably will be a mess, just like always. 4 years of trying will do that to a woman.

Well, guess tonight is a no-cooking night! Yeah for those nights when the hubby just understands my emotions--is that even possible?!! Anyway, off to an afternoon of relaxation as I think up the next trick I will try to help in the conception process!

The Waiting....

Today I woke up and started to wonder when it would happen. If you wonder what I'm talking about, of course, AF, or my period. I've started to feel those unwanted signs that I am not pregnant, again. The months seem to blur together. Hard to believe it has been almost 4 years of trying to get pregnant.

Tip of the Day: Find music that will help you through the hard days.